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The Hanged Man No 12

Good morning everyone. Today we a looking at the complicated and often misunderstood card - The Hanged Man No 12 in the Major Arcana

3 might seem a strange number to assign to a card that looks more like self sacrifice (9). However it is the power of the 1 focussing on personal spiritual development and the ability to weight things up and reason(2) that results in a new outlook- the number 3. 3 is the number of creative thought. When the Hanged Man turns up in a reading it does say standing still and contemplating where you are, free from the pressure of a goal, will actually lead to progress. It is inspiration and awareness from doing nothing. Often the hanged man is depicted with the halo of illumination. In some decks coins are falling from his pockets. This card represents a sacrifice of some kind in order to achieve something of great personal value and of a higher emotional or spiritual value. Note the position of his legs – almost like a 4 reversed. 4 is the number of the material world and financial security. Think about the reverse of that energy as the man hangs upside down and renounces material gain. This card can also mean a change of attitude or outlook which may be necessary to allow you to see things from another person's point of view.It is a card of patience and waiting, of giving up your physical input or will in a situation. The answers come in this time of waiting and the wisdom of your inaction will be very obvious later on

The Fool here learns the value of self sacrifice and surrender and of doing without to achieve a higher good that may benefit many. There is an understanding of a connection between us all. He faces a challenge that is overwhelmingly difficult and he has to give up and let go. He learns to surrender and experience the joy and release of letting go. Once he does this things seem to start to flow and work as they should.

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