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Personal Year 2

Good morning. Today we are looking at the Personal Year 2. If you are in this year it is all about relationships - the good, the bad and the ugly.

PERSONAL YEAR = Universal Year + your month and day number

I don’t think I need to go through the calculation again so lets just look at the Personal Year number 2

Don’t forget the Universal Year number for 2018 is an 11/2. Don’t reduce the 11 in your initial calculation.

The personal year influence colours the type of events for that year and how you experience and feel about them.

2 The Number 2 Personal Year is about co-operation and patience and relationships. This will be a year for partnerships and being willing to do your part and your plans are greatly influenced by the actions of others. You cannot rush things in this year so you need to develop patience and tolerance. Work in harmony with others and try to keep your common goal in focus. This year has the vibration of happiness in relationships, good times, friendships, love, marriage. It may be a time of consolidation of a relationship such as marriage, moving in together or commitment of some sort. It may be the time you meet your soulmate (or one of them). If there are negative energies in any relationship there may be a breakup under this personal year. But the 2 is a peacemaker. If you have patience and understanding you may find that you can work through difficulties. With co-operation and give and take you may end up with a better outcome. Anyway that you initiate helping others you may also help yourself. This energy is about the bonds we have with others and the harmonising influence of partnerships.

Have a great day and be kind to each other.

Personal Year 2 - co-operation in business

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